Sunday, March 29, 2009

You Are Not Dreaming...

Ok so - I am not going to spend this entire post rehashing the last 6-8 months or going on about why I haven't blogged- I just haven't- not that there hasn't been anything to blog about. Mostly, to be honest, its just because I am or was- or always will be, caught up in the Facebook world and of course- skype.. so whatever- I'm back- ...

I am also, not dead- not dying, that I know of- not feeling 100% but I would say in the range of 80-85% which is acceptable. I am still a non-smoker thank you very much and plan to stay that way FOREVER! I am so grateful I do not smoke anymore- I don't have to worry about how I will quit- "oh how will I ever stop smoking?" I am done with it and I am so awesome for that!!!! I also- on the down side gained at least 20 pounds over the past year because of that- but I can get rid of the weight- once motivation kicks in again.....

Why do I have no motivation you ask?? I will say one thing and I know I need not say another thing: CC- UNEMPLOYED- A-Fucken-GAIN- since mid-December.. how is he not dead? How am I not in jail/gone out of my f'ing mind you ask? I do not rightly know.... that is all I want to say about that right now. It makes my stomach hurt.

So I'm back.. I will try for a goal of once a week- maybe more to just keep the juices flowing if nothing else... I have to get back to me stuff - do things I like- and I like to write... and so, I shall....

1 comment:

MamaShell said...

beautifully written Jennifer!