Friday, June 16, 2006


Well well, been a busy bee the last couple of weeks, Pickle's room is finally done - for the most part- finishing touches here and there but it looks so cute- today we really started on the boys room. BUZZ and SPIDEY. Its gonna be bright and vibrant - very cute. The floor got laid today and I started the painting so by the end of the weekend if I get help it should be done. CC started another job this week but its only 4 days which sucks ass but still at least he's got one- I couldn't handle another stint of weeks off at a time. Maybe I'll actually get shit done this way. What else, oh yeah, I'm still fat- yep, still fat- nothing's changed there. Umm what else. Pickles recital is next weekend, I can't wait although its all going to be a big fat pain in the ass I know it- but still it'll be cute- I am going to try to sneak in my video recorder. We'll see what happens with that . Watch I'll get kicked out of my own daughter's recital. HA! I'm going to take her to get more pictures done next week with her outfit on- it'll be sweet. I dunno, that's about it I guess, going out with Moe and Deb tomorrow for girl's night- should be good, but I know when it comes time I won't want to go because I will be to tired, but I will, I never get to go out- so I will go and I will have fun dammit. ... oh yes, I will.

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