Wednesday, November 22, 2006


OK I am a loser I know but here is the closest thing to having my name out there in the world of media. BT (Breakfast television, a local morning show) had a silly little "contest" (if you could call it that) to add a caption to a picture they posted and they would choose the best or funniest one and that person would win a prize. Seeing as though I had nothing better to do at the time, I submitted a caption and though I didn't win, I got an Honourable Mention- and won fuck all- but anyway whatever.. For safety reasons, I have blocked out my name. I don't want all my crazed fans coming to find me - HA! Well then, you may wonder- how do we really know it is your name there? Well, I guess you don't know do you? I hope you won't loose sleep over it.. hahahah.. see how I can create drama about something so meaningless and petty? I'm good.... OH, incidentally, still have not heard from Howie Mandel yet. My sister and I both applied to be on DEAL OR NO DEAL when it comes to Canada - wouldn't that be the funniest thing ever? I will wet my pants, I Swear!

Time to announce the winner of our first weekly Caption Contest. Here once again is the picture... (OK I NOW REALIZE THE PICTURE WON'T COPY HERE- OH WELL USE YOUR IMAGINATION)

is easy for you! Try doing this with your mother strapped to your back!"
Some honourable mentions include:

"What kind of milk are you drinking?" J (INSERT MY NAME HERE)

"No wonder you're so one is kicking you in the butt!" Norm Makela
"Hey Lady, do you always sing to the airplanes like that?" Irene
Michele Laffin wins a Chicago DVD/CD prize pack.

1 comment:

Patty said...

You are very smart to be on the look out for crazed fans...Who wouldn't love you if they knew you?