Monday, November 20, 2006

Closing the Doors

I'm sitting here- it's almost 2 a.m. (despite what time it says it is at the end of this blog) and I am listening to The Doors. Fuck, I haven't heard a Doors song in years it seems yet at one point in my life I was obsessed. Listening now, I remember why. It's so full of emotion and it just makes you want to close your eyes and float and feel and cry. Indian Summer was my wedding song- the first song I danced with CC as my husband. Most people thought it was strange- I thought it was enchanting- if it couldn't be Prince it had to be The Doors. Before that- they have significance to me for a strange and sad reason. When I first started working at "the office", my friend there had a brother who was a little fucked up with depression and drugs and shit- and one day (I was only the receptionist then)he called and asked to put through to her. When she answered, the only thing he said to her was "This is the end, beautiful friend, the end." and he hung up. She thought it was odd- but put it off to him being fucked up on drugs. She had no idea the "quote" was a line from a song by The Doors. A few short hours later she was called to come identify his body or what was left of it, in the middle of a busy downtown street after he jumped to his death. I still remember her screaming into the phone when they called her- and the look on her face when she left to identify him- Later, when she told me about what he had said and I told her it was a song, I typed out the lyrics for her- and watched her shake as she read them...

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