Sunday, August 12, 2007

It's Almost Over

So the summer is so quickly coming to an end and I am not ready!!! Everyone keeps telling me "oh how nice it will be when the kids are back to school all day every day" well I don't think it will be so nice. I am not looking forward to it at all- not one bit- if I had it my way I would never have sent them to Jr Kindergarten 2 years ago and waited an extra year to put them in school- they are to young to go all day- they aren't ready- ok, ok I am not ready- and yes the time I will have will be nice- but that novelty will wear off very quickly I am sure- and then what will I be? What will I do? I am so scared for them- what if they have a mean teacher? What if there are mean kids in the class- what if they are hungry? No more snack time - they have to go out for recess in the big yard and their school goes up to grade 8!!! I am worried sick and scared to death for them and for myself... I am a mother- that is what I do- what will I do without them all day?? I will not cut the cord- I will not cut the cord- AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!!

1 comment:

Patty said...

No, I can't, but one day they will. The better you can prepare yourself for it the better you are going to feel about it.

It is one of the saddest jobs we must do as mothers, but it is still one of the jobs that we need to do.

Now, when my youngest is complaining about work or something I look at her and say, "I told you not to turn five but you wouldn't listen to me then so suck it up now." Does that make me a bitchy mother? Oh well.