Sunday, April 19, 2009

And so it shall begin

Ok so.. a couple of things- First- I have/will continue to start my exercise regiment. The other day I did a full 30 minute brisk walk and it felt good and I think it is something I can do. - And then I had my kids home for the weekend and it all went to hell- however I think if I can do that every weekday - it is a great start and I can adjust things as I need to after that. I have an issue with doing anything at home because of assmeat. I would be annoyed if he "caught" me exercising and not interested in his reaction or lack thereof.. and god knows I would not step foot in a gym- so until assmeat gets the fuck out and gets a job , this is my only option at this point- I think it'll be fine for the first little while- gotta start somewhere...

My FIL's cancer is back.. the spot they saw back in January has grown... don't know how bad yet- but it is not big enough to start treating it- so I guess that is good news... Ok, that's all I want to say about that ...

MMMM.... don't think I have mentioned this tid bit of info... Haven't spoken to my mother since the end of July/early August maybe.. the kids and I went up there and she started her irrationally yelling and carrying on about god knows what- so I already conceded to the fact I wasn't going back up there again anytime soon because I simply cannot handle the stress of it- the tip toeing around her in fear she will blow at any little thing- but the straw that broke the camels back was that she proceeded to call my sister u and tell her how awful my children were - talking smack about her own grandchildren- the ones she only sees 3 or 4 times a year- the only ones she saw incidentally because I was the only one stupid enough to drag them up there every couple of months because no one else would take theirs.. Well that just did it for me- I haven't spoken to her since I was up there= I did not call or go there for Christmas or anything- she called- my house- I ignored and she was all Ohh merry Christmas blah blah BULLSHIT- and then just last week she "heard" about Little Man being in the hospital and she was concerned. Again saw her number come up- and again IGNORE- so she is a right off-no one disses my kids- especially those who never see them or take the time to see them and then when they do talk shit about them- and I might add for no reason at all- I don't know what the hell she was talking about anyway- She's fucked- always looking for something to bitch about- not interested.. no time for bullshit and drama... life is too short for that. I have put up with her shit my whole life- I will be damned if she is going to talk about my babies that way and like I said, I am tired of tip toeing around her and trying to figure out what she is so god damned mad about all the time. Done and done....

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