Friday, August 15, 2008


My little lambs are 6 now- almost 7 and going into grade 2 in a couple short weeks. I am having a hard time with the fact that they are getting older and I often find myself watching their baby videos and getting teary-eyed because I know that time is past and I can never get it back- anyway they are all doing well- Little Man is now taking Electric Guitar classes! Yes can you believe it?? Hilarious- he likes it too and he's pretty good at it considering he has just started and I am certainly not musically inclined - so he started from scratch literally- So he's had a half dozen lessons or so and is doing well and so- we've got ourselves a rock star!! This summer, Curly decided to play soccer- let's just say it isn't his thing-we'll try something else next year.... Pickle is taking cooking classes!! She's gone to about 6 0r 7 classes and she just loves it- the only thing about that is the fact that she knows what goes into things now- so she is not as eager to try something once she knows what's in it- anyway she likes it- so whatever...

So the summer has flown by sadly- and the weather has been awful so we haven't done all that much- last month my sister and S and their families and mine went to Yogi Bear's Jelly Stone park for a 2 day camping trip- wasn't what we expected and it was cold and damp- but I think the kids liked it ok- and we have some activities coming up for the next couple of weeks that should satisfy them- CNE, Ontario Place, movies, a get together with my Auntie and my cousins for a day O fun, and of course another trip up to Auntie S's.. so we're good- I just wish it didn't go by so fast...

1 comment:

cjtato said...

So good to *see* you. It is so sad when watching them grow up right before our very eyes isn't it?

I still can't believe my first born is 5! Just have no idea how that happened.