Sunday, February 04, 2007


So here it is, Sunday night. I am sicker than sick and have not felt this bad in years probably but today I did something, even though I wanted to curl up in my bed and sleep, I got an awful lot accomplished. It may not sound like much to most of you- but adding 3, 5 year olds to the mix, its a miracle if I get anything done in a day. So I finally, and this is a Big task for me got every last bit of laundry done, down to all the towels and comforters and sheets etc. I usually have a hamper full at all times and I get to the point where I will sift through things and decide what is most needed to be washed and leave the other stuff behind. And then of course before I know it I have several hampers of stuff that was left behind you know? Anyway LAUNDRY- DONE! Then I cleared out my entire office/craft room/video game room, re-organized and put everything in its place. I spent an hour or so making valentine bags for the kids class (with the help of the three little pigs of course) and spent almost 2 hours doing homework with the kids as well- yes- SK and 2 hours of homework- it is absolutely ridiculous- I feel so sorry for them- no wonder kids drop out of school.. its so bad. I also went through my closet and got rid of an entire garbage bag of clothes- yes, I actually parted with stuff- I don't know what got into me. So even though I feel like dirt- I did something today.... and now I will curl up in a ball and get some sleep - I have to be chaffer to the MIL AGAIN tomorrow- that is my new job don't ya know-all my time when the kids are not in school for like the past 2 weeks has been driving her around to appointments etc. Oh happy day...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I AM PROUD OF YOU! And hope that all that work made you tired enough that you got a good nights sleep.

P.S. This is Patty, Jenna. I have been having horrible trouble getting this stupid thing to publish my comment. They are trying to tell me I don't exsist. I can't accept that from anyone or anything. Especially a stupid blog spot, so this is my attempt to outsmart them. If you are reading this, it worked.