Monday, February 05, 2007


Ok so my last post boosted about me and my final battle with the laundry situation.... yeah ok... I should have just conceded to the fact that my laundry woes will never be over- Last night- after tossing and turning all night long, trying desperately to sleep with my mouth open because my nose was so plugged up, I found one of my sons and my daughter in bed with me- no biggie- its a common occurrence since CC has not been around- anyway so at 4:15 this morning I hear Pickle cough- and oh yes I know that cough very well- I sat up just in time to get a lap full of vomit. Not only did I get puked on but so did Little Man and boy did we hear about it- of course he was wearing his Buzz Lightyear Pj's and well, it was the end of the world as we all knew it when Pickle puked on them. So she managed to hit me, my son, every pillow on the bed and of course all my freshly washed sheets, comforter etc etc.... so at 4:30 this morning I was left with the grizzly task of cleaning off 2 puke covered children, and redressing them for bed, and stripping down my bed, putting in a load of laundry and getting myself cleaned up too- Oh and did I mention that last night even though I said I was going to bed I decided to go and sit in a nice hot bath - so there was me all clean and smelling fine one second- and covered in puke the's not bad enough that I am so so sick- but now poor little Pickle too- she has slept most of the day- literally- she has only puked one other time this afternoon, so she is pretty much a good sick person, I can't complain, but man alive- now I have to worry about the other 2 not only catching what I have but now what Pickle has too- and we have such a busy few weeks ahead- 3 birthday parties in 3 weeks to start.... oh sigh... no rest for the weary... EVER !


Patty said...

How goes the sick bay? I am praying for all of you.

cjtato said...

Don't you hate that sound when you know what's going to follow. Yuck!

And on your freshly washed sheets too. Sounds like my world. LOL

Hope the boys are okay and that you and Pickle are on the mend.

katherine. said...

I've been following your story the past few weeks...and I am hoping all is going well with the homecoming.

by the way...when my daughter was little...and actually thru her being a teen...whenever she threw up...I threw up...within about two seconds. No matter what I did...and otherwise...I NEVER throw up.

one time she had the flu and gently woke me up saying, "I'm sorry Mommy...but we are going to be sick"

and we were...right there in the bed...(rolling my eyes)

A Better Person said...

3 birthday parties? wow...

Hope you can get a rest.

Have a nice weekend. Really hope you have one.


Anonymous said...

I stopped by to see how you were holding up. It sounds like you have your hands full. I hope that you are feeling better and things get a little easier. In the meantime, it's always good to vent while you can. Take care of yourself!