Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Ok so before I post about my life at home with CC as of late, I wanted to share what I did this past weekend. My sister was invited to a co-worker's wedding and her man had to work, so she asked me to go in his place. Even though I don't know these people, (they know of me) I needed a night out regardless of where it was- so off I went. I did not get drunk- I had my token 3 beers and was quite happy but the best part of the night was when they brought out the chocolate fountain- oh yes, that is what I said- CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN!!!!! However, it was gaurded by a dreadful chocolate Nazi, who scowled and stared every time you went near it...So my sister and I were all going up and trying to look like ladies, you know taking a strawberry or two and dipping it in the fountain and sitting down and then non-chalauntly (sp?) going back up for perhaps a rice crispy square dipped in chocolate and so on and so on- so finally, at one point we noticed chocolate nazi was not at her post- I screamed to my sister "Go, Go GO!!!" and we were going to make a run for it when we came up with a brilliant idea- we'll have our own chocolate and that way we won't look like pigs (ok people let me just tell you that this was the best chocolate I ever ate in my life- milk chocolate- yum yum.. Ok I am drooling again, let me continue with the story) so anyway I encourage my sister to grab a wine glass from the table and fill it up with chocolate and then we wouldn't have to keep going up there- so she did it- I was fucken howling, I almost wet my pants laughing- and then I made her stand there while I took a picture but only it kept coming out too dark so she was filling it and filling it and I was just dying.. So anyway she comes back to the table and now I have to go get stuff to dip inour chocolate so I go up there and we were gearing for the rice crispies eh so I am trying to pick up as many as I can on the wooden sticks- you know the shishcabob sticks- well, that just wasn't working, So I end up grabbing the bowl of rice crispies and pouring it onto my plate- again laughing so hard I am almost peeing myself.. Anyway so we had our own chocolate fiesta I will tell you- it was so funny.. Then the girls that worked there I guess were coming around clearing the table and they kept asking us if we were done with the glass of chocolate but we either told them no, ignored them, or tried to act like it was someone elses'. So we put it off as long as we could, but finally had to give in and let them take our chocolate away... sigh... it was good though, damn damn good. Over all a fun night- not too bad....


Patty said...

Did they have any angel food cake for dipping? That is my personal favorite! Did you know you can buy little chocolate fountains (try WalMart), so you can dip at home without any chocolate Nazi to worry about?

Anonymous said...

Chocolate Nazi! That's funny. Was she like, "No choco for you!"?