Thursday, February 01, 2007


OK I got tagged by echo- so here are some weird things about me- some may be repeats of my blog ages ago entitled "25 things about me "or something like that.. anyway I am feeling slightly lazy today so I may just cheat and use some of those- let's see what I can come up with: let's start with the rules :

Here are the rules: Each player starts by blogging about six weird things (or memes) about themselves. Those tagged must also blog the rules in their blog while tagging a half a dozen people of their own. It's also important to inform the tagees that they've been tagged. Tag.

#1- I have a phobia about feet- summer just urkes me- I cannot handle seeing people's feet- it drives me insane- I mean isn't that what they invented socks for? Come on na- no one needs to see them- keep 'em covered.... unless of course you are a baby- that I can handle...

#2- I loathe throwing things out. I have so much stuff in my house it's crazy- I am often asked "what do you need that for?" Most of the time I cannot answer it other than to say that I MIGHT need it one day. The thought of throwing things out just panics me for some reason - I don't keep garbage and shit like that- umm ok an example: My garage is filled with boxed and boxes of baby toys and clothes and of course 3 cribs, 3 highchairs, etc etc ... why? Well, I might need them one day. Am I planning on having more children? Um no, but still- one never knows do they? I also have boxes and boxes of old notes from highschool and projects and things I classify as "memories" such as empty smoke packs that some one may have bought for me or train tickets from the time so and so and I went to the... you know stuff like that- My name is Jenna and I am a hoarder...

#3 I can wiggle my ears- yes, yes I can......

#4 My laugh is often referred to as a cackle and I have been known to embarrass quite a few people with it. In grade school I tried out for the school play- I wanted the part of Dorothy- I ended up being the Wicked Witch of the West.....

#5. Tonight I had Stovetop stuffing for dinner- turkey flavor- it is my fav- I could eat it again and again... BTW no turkey with it- or any other fixings.... just stuffing.....

# 6 OK lastly, I would like to share a few things to prove I am strange- just like little things- but combined, I think it classifies me as weird.... I have 36 different Christmas CD's - how much is too much? I mean, how many different ways are there to sing Silent Night? In my bathroom cupboard right now, I have 11 different shampoos, and 6 different anti-frizz or straightening products, in my garage I have about 16 large totes of Christmas decorations/lights, I also have about 8 large totes of Halloween decorations. I have about 10-15 copies of every poem I ever wrote, in different fonts, on different types of paper and of course my original hand written versions. I have the same pair of underwear I wore on my wedding day almost 10 years ago- and I still wear them. I buy bras that are too small in hopes that maybe I will wake up one morning and they will be smaller and that pretty little bra will fit me.

Well there you have it- I am strange I know it- but that's ok because I am good enough, I am smart enough, and dog-goneit, people like me... ha!

OK who to tag, who to tag..... no one I know really blogs, I have limited choices here- OK I tag PATTY- although I know you are busy as hell these days with your trip coming, and MOE just do it- you don't update your blog nearly enough and DEBBIE_ get your blog going again girl come on na!


Anonymous said...

#2 - that's funny. My Gram is the same way. She has a plastic jar of pecans in her laundry room labeled "Pecans 1994" The scary part is, I think they really are from 1994. She has yet to throw them out.

Patty said...

#6...No wonder you were freaked out about getting stuck in your garage with all that stuff in it. JK!

Moi, weird? You know me too well Jenna. I will get to the tag soon.