Sunday, July 22, 2007


After everything that has been going on the past few days with my friend (more of which I will get into later) I thought I should take a moment and share what I am grateful for- right now, today...
I am grateful for my babies- and all the joy that they bring to me every day.
I am grateful that even though we are still going through some tough financial times, we have managed to stay afloat and are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel (even though we had a set back with CC's car- it ended up costing $3,200- pretty much double the amount we were initially told)
I am grateful for my friends- especially S for being such an inspiration to me.
I am grateful that I am not stupid enough to fall for the tricks that people can pull on you- you know when someone pretends to like you or be interested in things you have to say when all the while there is an ulterior motive and when that motive is not realized, you are tossed aside like a piece of trash. I am grateful that my true, real friends offer advice and support when I need it instead of running away from it or pretending that they don't know I am in pain or in need of a hug or a phone call or just a friendly word. I am grateful that my true friends would never do things like that to me -
I am grateful that I am not as naive as I used to be.
I am grateful that I was able to get past the things that haunted me as a child- I am grateful I no longer hold the anger within me that I used to towards my parents. I am grateful that I can be a better person than what they set me up to be- and even though everything was stacked against me in every way possible- I got over that wall and moved on and can be proud of who I am today and never had to do anything stupid or illegal or hurt anyone to get where I am.
So there ya go.. that is all I have right now.. It's been a long day..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I am grateful that I am not stupid enough to fall for the tricks that people can pull on you-"
I wish I was more observant of who these people are. I hate those people with "alterior motives" I'm glad that you have some positive things to think about today :)