Sunday, July 22, 2007


Ok so I know you all want to know more about JGG and how he is, I have talked about it so much the past few days I almost don't want to anymore but I will give a brief update:

He is still in intensive care but doing much much better today- S went to see him finally and she and I both are glad that she did. He is starting to come around - not talking all that shit like how he should have done it this way or why didn't it work or things like that- he seems, I am told a bit embarrassed and ashamed and has stated he just wants to feel happy again and is willing to do what it takes to get that feeling back again. He is being transferred to the psych ward tomorrow- and is not happy about it- but let's hope something clicks with him and he starts to see the sunshine again...

So... before the storm hit, I was telling you all about the camp out at S's we had (well the kids really) so I wanted to post some pics from that night... it's sad you know, but because this has all hit S and her family so hard, it has taken over their lives and will do so for quite some time. I feel for the kids- all of them because their summer now is going to be known as "the summer when..." instead of having all those fun memories to look back on.. we had such plans for the rest of the summer- not big- just outings and things here and there-0 but those little things are the very things that memories are made of.. I just hope EVERYONE can move on with this and not let all of this consume them.. as we all know- life is too short for that shit...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pics!