Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Classic example of how "gay" (am I the only person left in the world that uses that term?- not that there is anything wrong with it... ha) my daughter is....

I don't remember exactly what the conversation was but I was doing something CC should have been doing (ohh surprise surprise) and Pickle says to me

"Why doesn't Daddy do it?"

So I say:

"Because daddy works all day and he is tired when he gets home" (yeah yeah isn't he a fucken hero- oops did I say that out loud? !)

and then Pickle says ... wait for the gayness now....

"ohh that's right, he has to work to make money for our family (cue patriotic music now) and for our country."

HA! For our country? WTF??!!! I just about choked....


A Girl Called Chandler Bing said...

HAHAHA I love it! AJ always says "your not the boss of me or this house...daddy is the boss of this house and everyone in it" (HAHAHAHA shows how much he knows) then he adds "he's also the boss of Canada !!??" Where DO they get this stuff?

Anonymous said...

LOL. that's friggin hilarious!