Monday, July 10, 2006


So CC got a job and started today- Guess where?? WINDSOR! So he's off with 3 or 4 other guys to not make any more money than he was making here mind you- its just a regular job which is costing us more in the long run because now he has to pay to stay somewhere and food and everything else... whatever.. he's not here anyway so that's all I care about- Opps.... did I say that out loud? So already he hasn't answered any of my text messages or calls today- mmmm... did I expect anything less? Nope.... whatever....

So yesterday was the circus. I asked SH to come with because of course CC was gone already. And didn't we end up sitting right behind the kids' friend (favourite friend I might add) from school! It was so bizarre. Anyway the kids had a great time- they loved it. I felt bad because I had bought the tickets months ago and of course with CC not working I had like NO money and of course they had like elephant rides and face painting and everything and I couldn't get them a thing other than popcorn and cotton candy. Although it was fucken ridiculous anyway- everything was like $10-$15.00 each and of course with the 3 of them that triples everything.. anyway they had a great time and that's all that counts. On the same note, Saturday was the MIL's (mother-inlaw) birthday and we couldn't get her anything either and today is my sisters birthday and well, same goes. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHICKIE!! SORRY AGAIN FOR NOT CALLING YOU FIRST ! So anyway it's all rather depressing and now that CC is out of town and making shit money- and I am stuck here with the 3 kids but can't do anything because we have no money. And of course I am trapped. What I mean is that now everything is just fucked. I can't even go buy a pack of smokes without bringing the 3 of them with me or do grocery shopping or anything. Even though CC doesn't do fuck all at least I could leave him for a few minutes with them to do that kind of stuff... It sucks but at least he's not just lying here on the couch smelling up the room....

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