So today was a day- a bad day- It started off on such a great note, but soon enough even my surprise package couldn't keep the smile on my face.. It was just a bad day and Yes, I know we all have them (as I was reminded about 50 times tonight by the MIL) Anyway nothing significant happened- the kids were just extra super bad today- fighting, yelling, jumping, making a mess- just crazy, into everything - uncontrollable, disrespectful, crying, whining, screaming, rude, wasteful... oh my god take a breath girl! It was just a bad day. I had a lump in my throat all day- you know the one you get right before you are going to cry- and if someone says the wrong thing to you it hurts almost, until you swallow real hard and then the tears flow.... haven't gotten to that point yet- the lump is still there but I will wait until they go to bed (which is any second now). Anyway it wasn't just the kids its just everything- I am lonely and tired of cleaning up after the kids, never getting to finish anything, etc etc etc. And even though I have that light (vacation in T MINUS 3 DAYS, 12 HOURS AND COUNTING) there's just something missing- and maybe its just the hum drum of spending each and every waking moment with 3, 4-year olds who don't have the mental capacity to appreciate anything- or maybe it's that the In laws come over 3 times a week but yet I never get a break- they never say- go out-we'll stay here with the kids. Maybe it's because tonight when we took the kids to the park- there were all of these families there- husbands and wives with their children playing, just being together- and I know that even if CC was here- that would never be there with us- I think (and I am not exaggerating in any way) there was this one time when the kids were just under a year old that he came to the park with us- anyway maybe it's because I am scared that I am just not enough- and that yes it is too much for me and I have never been able to admit it- Maybe ME is just not enough for them- I always worry about splitting my time with them- making sure to pay attention to all of them- praise all of them.. doing enough with them, for them. Maybe I am just thinking all of this because it was a bad day- but I am afraid I am not enough and I am screwing up my kids- when it all becomes too much- I have no release- and I find myself screaming at them, and being angry. Maybe I am afraid I am going to turn out like my mother- an angry bitter fat old woman....