Tuesday, August 08, 2006


1. I am short
2. I have never liked my body - not even as a small child- (no I am not anorexic)
3. I have a phobia about cutting my hair even though it would probably look better short.
4. I am a packrat and loathe the thought of throwing things out (no, not food or garbage- just stuff)
5. I have an obsession with pictures- I take as many as a hundred a week.- Most of them suck though.
6. I have been with CC for 16 years (in 2 weeks) almost half of my life....
7. I used to be a very good singer- my school used to pay for me to go to music camps to sing to represent the school.
8. I also used to fit into a size 3- and in fact I still have jeans in a size 3 that I will for some reason, not throw out (see #4)
9. I looove chocolate- I could eat it for every meal- I really really could.
10. I have never in my life thrown up from drinking- and I have drunk a lot!
11. I have never tried acid or coke or anything like that- pot and mushrooms is as much as I have ever tried- I was too scared- still am.
12. Even though I have my precious beautiful triplets, I lost 7 before them and I still think about that a lot- even though I am eternally grateful to have the 3 I do.
13. I have a birthmark on my wrist that looks like a hickey.
14. Other than my wedding day, I have never had a manicure or pedicure. (and even then I only had fake nails put on- does that count?)
15. I smoke, and I have asthma. I quit when I was pregnant (each time) and I should never have started up again- but I did- DUMB!
16. I haven't worn my wedding rings in about 2 years.
17. I haven't read a book (other than kiddie books) in about 5 years- maybe more- that's brutal.
18. I used to write in a journal everyday; since I was very very young. Now I wish I never stopped because there are some points in my life I do not recall-
19. I can wiggle my ears.
20. Other than my one son, I had totally different names in mind for the other 2 but I backed down because everyone hated them.
21. I never finished high school- 1 credit short.
22. I slouch like crazy- it is awful. I started doing it subconsciously when I hit puberty because my boobs were so large - now I can't stop doing it.
23. I have the worst short-term memory.
24. I have very bad hearing- and am terrified to get it checked out.
25 Dr.'s terrify me in general- everytime I go they find something wrong.


Patty said...

I'm sooooo jealous! I can't wiggle my ears!

Patty said...

I find the joy is in the clicking, not in the results. (#5)

Check out juliabohemian.blogspot.com and explore stuff portrait friday. With all those pictures, you can play too.

Patty said...

About # 7: I am sure you are still a good singer............ It just your EARS are a little rusty and in need of a tune up.

Patty said...

#4... What is the strangest thing you have refused to get rid of. I think for me it would have to be my kids baby teeth and their dried up umbilical cords. Gross isn't it?

Patty said...

#14... Maybe this would fit into your current post. Treat yourself to a manicure with some of your new found ME time. Unless you don't like to have people mess with you. I can handle the fingers, but I hate people playing with my toes!