Tuesday, August 15, 2006


This morning I was pleasantly surprised by a knock on the door. When I opened it, there stood a delivery man (and a cute one at that) with a package for me! Well, first of all, a package, or anything I receive in the mail or otherwise is like Christmas to me. I looove getting mail! Anyway I had no idea what it could be so I opened it as quickly as I could and there were 3 books inside. I looked at the hand written notes tucked into a couple of the books and discovered they were from my new friend Patty- and I just about cried. A few blogs back I had written 25 random things about me and one of the things I had written was that I hadn't read a book in a very long time; and here were 3 new books for me to get started on. Now how is that- how is it that someone that I had just "met" (and we haven't even met officially by the way) would go out of their way- and do something for me - had me specifically in mind. I am just floored by the thoughtfulness and kindness she has shown me. In a recent blog of hers she had written about how hard it was for her to treat herself the same way she treats others- I too have a hard time being nice to me you know- and even though I should be giving her shit for yet again doing something for someone else- I just want to reach out and give her a big hug- because today I know someone thought about me and care enough to surprise me and made me feel good - so today I am sending a great big hug and thank you to a kind soul. And now, I am going to pour myself a cup of coffee and open up a book and read- until of course someone starts screaming for me or there is juice to clean up off the floor or they start wrestling or punching eachother. So thank you Patty- you really made my day......

1 comment:

Patty said...

Exactly the response I was hoping for. Can't wait to see if you like the authors.