Monday, June 11, 2007


Ok so today, my little chickens had their first pizza-day at school so I had the whole day to myself- and I had plans- big plans... So first on my list was to paint my front door. We changed the hardware on the door months ago and you could see the outline of the old handle and shit- so anyway, years ago, I had mistakenly bought exterior paint - so I thought well, I will just use that right..... so first of all, I had to stir it for like an hour to get it mixed up after all its been 7 years... yes, 7 year old paint.. So I get started and realize quickly that the paint smells- I mean it reeks- and not just like that paint smell- an odd smell- a disturbing smell- like the smell of dirty feet.. oh yes that is what I got to smell all morning- dirty feet- great...So I go about my business.. painting- with a paint brush- bad idea- should have used a roller.. but anyway here I am painting so I have the front door open.. but my back is facing out- I am wearing hoochie mama shorts- you know like old short shorts so I don't ruin yet more clothing when painting.. and I am going to town painting...totally oblivious to everything around me.. Just then, as I am bent over- with hoochie mama shorts on, I hear "HELLO THERE!" I screamed, dropped the paintbrush and swung around too see a man standing at my fence staring at me. So I say, while still in shock "Jesus boy- you scared the shit out of me" and right after it left my mouth I shrank to about 2 inches tall... The hello was from my new neighbour (my old neighbours just moved out Friday) who I had not yet met.. and- now here's the kicker.. he is, um.. shall we say, a person of color and I said "JESUS BOY!" So just so we have this straight- I use the word boy as some would use dude I say it all the time.. but not usually to people of color or while wearing hoochie mama shorts or while talking to my new neighbours.. I apologized right away- he laughed and we introduced ourselves.. but fuck was I ever embarrassed..So I can just tell- MY NEW NEIGHBOURS JUST LOVE ME!!! HA!!

So anyway- being a looser like I am.. instead of just letting the children have their lunch at school and going about my day- I showed up at lunch to make sure they were all happy and eating- I KNOW- looser- cut the cord already! But they've never eaten at school before- I was worried.. I got in trouble by the teacher and quickly was sent home... and no.. I didn't not wear my hoochie mama shorts to school...

1 comment:

Patty said...

I love you Jenna! PLEASE write a book so I can enjoy more and more of your style of story telling!

As to your neighbors feelings for you...Of course he loves you! WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE? And short shorts thrown in as a bonus! I am sure the man thought he had died and gone to heaven!