Friday, January 26, 2007


Oh My God I am so fucken pissed off right now I could just spit- well, ok seeing as though that is one of the most vulgar things you can do- I shall not- but just know that I am that mad that it actually crossed my mind. So CC just called all full of pep and vigor and was all talking up the kids and shit and telling - me who is here dealing with all of this shit and the kids alone to give the kids a snack before bed time because Little Man told him he was hungry when he was talking to him on the phone- anyway he's all "just give him a snack or something no?" and I was all - fuck you- don't even tell me what to do with the kids- you have no idea.. Now mind you, this was kind of half-hearted- kinda joking around at this point, and then he says "so check this great news out" and so it begins... He proceeds to tell me that the cocksucker (oh my isn't that an awful word) who he lived with out in Sarnia and who lied to me over and over telling me he had no idea where CC was those days he was "missing" has a job for CC here waiting for when he gets out and that it will only be 4 days at week at first but thereafter a lot of hours and its a great job and blah blah blah. Now keep in mind- this is also the same guy who fucked around on his wife/girlfriend out there and did the drugs and is about 10 or so years younger than CC and drinks like a siv and has not a care in the world much less responsibilities at home. Also know this: CC was just not 2 days ago almost in tears with me on the phone saying how scared he is to go back to work because everyone does "it" and how can he be around people like that yadda yadda yadda AND even went so far as to say that he may change professions all together and start again with something new and of course being me I was telling him if he wanted to make a career change I would support him 100% etc etc and so on and so on.... So..... after he gets through his little speech there- I say to him- "Do you really think that is a good idea?" "Isn't he the one you got into all this trouble with?" And then he says to me "I'm not doing this" all adement like. " And I said oh no - no no you are not fucken doing this to me- you just sit there in your little fucken cabin in the woods and call me up and tell me this and I am supposed to be all happy happy about it? What the hell happend to not being able to be around people that use?" And then he says "Tell me one person who doesn't" and then he says "I'm not going to talk to you about this anymore" and I said "Beg your fucken pardon? You don't sit there and tell me you are not going to talk to me about something because you don't like what you hear after I have been sitting here for weeks being all nicey nice to you so as not to upset you and letting things go just so you can deal with what you have to deal with when all the while I should be blasting your ass for what you have done to me and your family so don't you tell me you aren't going to talk to me about something" And then he says - "I think I would rather talk to you about this on Saturday- I am not doing this now" I was so pissed at that point I just said fine and hung up... What the fuck? Who the fuck are you to tell me you don't want to discuss something- I have been not discussing anything I want to because you can't deal with it right now- well guess what MO FO (mother fucker- but its seems less vulgar when you say MO FO doesn't it?) all bets are off- the only disadvantage I have is he can hang up and its not like I can call him back or anything- oh but I will say what needs to be said- oh yes, yes I will and no more little miss nice nice- fuck that shit- he fucked me over he ruined our financial lives and he made a mockary of our marriage- gloves are off you fuck... Jenna is back!!!


Patty said...

(Grrrrrr...I have been having trouble posting comments so I hope this doesn't show up twice)

I am glad "Jenna is back!"

Standing by your man, does not mean getting walked on as he decides to walk somewhere without considering the consequences for you and the children.

Anonymous said...

Geez! Reading this makes me so angry that your husband could be so insulting. I'm totally with you on this. I hope that things work out for the best.