Monday, April 16, 2007


So aren't I just the blogger today- anyway got to do something to keep my mind off things- I had a dream last night c/o Facebook and the old friends I have found. It was about this guy I used to have a massive crush on in high school and even though I never went out with him or really even hung with him all that much- I had this realistic dream last night that we met up (now not then) and I was in his sister's house (whom I don't even know) and we stayed up all night talking and it was that feeling you get when you have a crush on someone and your heart is pounding and you are giddy and shy and happy all at the same time. Nothing happened in the dream or anything- oh wait maybe a kiss- but nothing major and honestly I feel nothing- like I have not had any conscious thoughts of hooking up with him - not to mention the fact that he has changed oooohhh so much since high school (haven't we all) in soooo many ways.. but anyway, I woke up feeling young and wanted to go back into my dream and hide for a while. And then of course, I rolled over and saw CC and that just ruined everything..... sigh...

1 comment:

Patty said...

I love it when I have dreams about people from my past, it is almost as good as an acual reunion.

Did you read my post requesting prom stories? Did you go to the prom (or whatever the Canadian version of a prom would be)? If not, why? Take a dive into the past and share with the rest of us please! Thanks.