Monday, April 16, 2007


Ok so I have managed for the past 2 days to ignore CC and not say a single word to him - not a one. He slept most of the weekend away (surprise surprise) and the kids and I went about our business and I literally ignored him- pretended he wasn't even there and it was not so bad! It was tolerable! When he came down to watch tv- I found something for me and the kids to do upstairs- like homework or I gave them a bath or I got the kids to help me put laundry away etc. For a time on Sunday I watched an entire movie on my computer with headphones while the kids played- incidentally I finally got to watch Talladega Nights which is, I have to say one of the funniest movies I have ever seen- I mean I was laughing out loud- I really enjoyed it- Anything with Wil Ferrel though is funny you have to admit.. anyway so this morning I dropped the kids off at school- ran over to Walmart for a few things and got a coffee and what do you know - he is still fucken sleeping.. nice life. So now he has just completely ruined my week too- I am to babysit Baby H this week and next and now he's going to be here- fuck sakes- now I have to deal with him and his fucken attitude because god forbid I should do something for someone else. Anyway just biding my time... and praying for my ship to come on so I can sail away on it...


Patty said...

Sometimes this is all one can do, get through a day one minute at a time. Keep focusing on getting through the moment and before you know it you will have gotten through an entire week.

Oh! And babysit or help anyone out in any way you want. He does whatever he wants righ, so he has set this presidence for your relationship and should not complain about how you choose to spend your time.

Anonymous said...

be careful, sometimes it's scary when it's silent like that. I know my dad's been sleeping a lot lately too and I worry about what he's thinking (and doing)