Tuesday, April 24, 2007


OK amidst all the chaos of MY RIDICULOUS LIFE ( I think that is my new catch phrase or whatever you call it- or perhaps the title of the book everyone keeps telling me to write) Pickle's tooth finally came out- with a little coaxing- and a whole mess O' drama- I ended up making a 20 minute DVD of the entire thing from the moment we learned of her loose tooth right up until the tooth fairy visit- it turned out pretty cool- anyway here's pic of Pickles' gap...too cute..


Patty said...

Oh the gap! I remember my children's with such fondness. Hopefully she will hang onto the top front ones until after corn on the cob season! Tell her I said congratulations and way-to-beat the boys at losing the first tooth!

Bardouble29 said...

awww, at least there is a smile in there somewhere! You are awesome, don't let the other shit get you down!