Sunday, April 08, 2007


So, Thursday night I am hanging out with the kids and my bestest friend calls so I went upstairs into my room to talk to her so I could have a normal conversation without interruption. So anyway I am up there maybe 5 minutes and here comes Little Pickle... She says to me "Do you notice anything different about me?" And I look, and I really didn't and then.. it hit me.. she cut her hair! She had taken her "safety scissors" and cut off all of her bangs. Now her bangs were quite long, and we actually were supposed to all go get hair cuts that day but because Little Man had just gotten out of the hospital early that morning I was like fuck that noise, I am not traipsing 3 kids to a barbershop today.. So anyway I gasped when I realized what she did, she panicked and started bawling "it's all my fault, it's all my fault" (that's her favourite dramatic line) and she's just hysterical, tears flowing- so S is still on the phone with me and she's laughing and I'm trying not to- and Pickle is just loosing it "I don't' even look like me!" on and on- and then she stands up- looks at herself in my mirror and with tears streaming, she cries out " I LOOK LIKE WILLY WONKA!" and she flops down on the bed and cries some more. Well, at this point I am just dying laughing and so is S. I am trying to tell her it is not so bad and we can fix it (yeah right) and she finally calms down.. I guess it isn't too too bad- I am used to her having longer bags- but it'll grow- it is pretty uneven though.. and wouldn't ya know- in another week or so the school is having their "graduation" photos done for them for graduating form Kindergarten to grade one so she'll have some lovely bangs for that photo! I'm going to post a pic her- its not too bad really- but man I wish the video camera was rolling for all of that- too funny!


Patty said...


Save this pic for when she is a world famous sylist and you will be able to sell it to a tabloid for mega bucks.

And you're right...It's not that bad. Hair grows. I found this out when my sister "trimmed" my bangs before a class trip in fifth grade. They ended up shorter than Pickles did...W-A-Y shorter. I am still traumatized...

A Girl Called Chandler Bing said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Usually the scissors get used on a sibling...I did that exact haircut on my brother when I was about 5! Maybe get a hairdresser to shape the rest around her face...that'd look cute! Or go retro and spike them up so she has a mullet! LOL!