Sunday, April 08, 2007


Ok so the drama has escalated with the loose tooth- still in- still wiggly- but not yet ready to come out. So the other night, Pickle was eating something and she must have bit the wrong way and kinda nudged her loose tooth- there was a tiny tiny bit of blood and of course she carried on like a lunatic for ages. So that night, I am tucking her in and this is how our conversation went....

P: " Aren't you so worried about me?"
ME: " Why?"
P: " Because of my tooth!"
ME: " I'm not worried Pickle, it's just a part of life. It'll all be alright."
P: " But I don't want my tooth to fall out."
ME: " Pickle you have been waiting to get a loose tooth for ages- I thought you wanted your tooth to come out?"
P: " Well, I thought I did but I didn't know there would be blood so I think I changed my mind. I'm just so nervous."

ME: " About what?"
P:" About the tooth fairy- I don't think I am ready to see her."
ME:" Well, you won't see her, she comes at night when you are sleeping."
Pickle with a big sigh and worried look : " I guess I'm just not used to fairies... let's talk about this tomorrow mama..."


1 comment:

Patty said...

Don't ya just love pickles? I do! Another classic to keep you company in your old age!

Maybe you should send this into a television show. Writers can't come up with stuff like that on their own. Priceless!