Tuesday, April 03, 2007


OK so after the "incident" at school the other day I made Little Man write apology notes to the teacher, the principal and the boy in question. We had a little talk about language and I started up the reward charts again- we stopped doing them over the Christmas holidays- I guess I had other things on my mind at the time (ya think??!!) anyway back to reward for good behavior - so we will see what happens... sigh.. I couldn't stop thinking about it- I mean it was funny- well, the letter was funny anyway but I don't want my Little Man to be known as the kid with the potty mouth....


Patty said...

You go mom! Helping our kids shape into the social norm can be rough at times, but we do it not necessaryily because we agree with it, but because it makes things easier for them in the long run.

Did you help him to figure out what socially acceptable phrase to use in place of what he said the next time he gets angry? I like "you rotten banana" but he would probably still get in trouble for name calling with that one...Maybe "Grrrrrr" would be a better idea?

cjtato said...

Have to tell you that I was quite shocked/bemused when I went to pick AJ up from kindy when she was no older than 2 and the teacher was telling me that she had AJ to sit down a number of times and finally said "if you don't sit down you will have to go and get ready for a sleep" to which the obvious reply was "Oh FFS!" (no not the abbreviation, you know what it stands for!) LOL

The poor teacher who was just so innocent and sweet didn't know what to do. The other teachers found it quite amusing though.

You did the right thing. DH was never "made" to be polite in social circumstances and it's really hard now having to teach him at 30! LOL