Monday, April 02, 2007


So Little Man did something real bad in school today- 5 years old and we are already getting sent to the principal. Juuuuusst... grrrreat.... this is the letter that got sent home- he had to sign it- the teacher wrote it out....


Anonymous said...

LOL. Now, where did he learn that word?

Patty said...

Guess it's time for the talk... You know, the one that goes something like, "Yes, mommy uses those words at home, but people don't like to hear them in public so you are not allowed to use them until you graduate from high school." Actually I took more of the approach that as I was using "bad words"(beginning when the kids were around four or so) I would tell them never to repeat these words at school (really, I did!). And in his defense, I am sure Tyler S. WAS acting like a piece of shit, and deserved the name calling! How in the world did you keep a straight face when reading the letter?

A Girl Called Chandler Bing said...

That is frickin' hysterical! I love when they "use their words" in the correct context for the situation! LOL!
This is one of those things that you absolutely have to laugh privately about. I especially love that the teacher wrote it out in full instead of the expected s*** !!! Classic letter for the memory box!

A Girl Called Chandler Bing said...

oops, what I meant to say was "bad boy - go to your room after washing out your mouth with soap" LOL!