Thursday, March 29, 2007


Ok so after the dentist today the kids and I went to the grocery store and picked up a couple dozen eggs and did some egg dying. It occurred to me that my children had never dyed Easter eggs. It amazes me sometimes that the littlest things- the simple things in life are the things I get to show them for the first time- it's so cool to me- they may never remember- but I will- I think it is pretty cool. Come to think of it though- and I could be wrong- but I never recall my mother ever doing stuff like this with us- again, maybe I am wrong- but I sure as hell don't remember it if she did. Anyway so we dyed some, painted some and made a big fat mess- but it was pretty cool...


cjtato said...

Can you give me some tips. I don't even know where to start. Well,okay, I know to buy the eggs. LOL

I remember doing this when I was little maybe once????

My little girl would love to do this.

Jenna said...

cjato- we just used a kit- got it at the dollar store actually- and whether it says so or not- IT DOES STAIN! I covered the table in newspaper and the children in old shirts- and for some reason- boiled eggs still reek like eggs- I've been keeping them in the fridge but what a stank! They won't of course, let me throw them out! yikes!

Anonymous said...

I loved dying eggs when I was younger. I don't remember eating them later on though. What did you do with them afterwards?

Jenna said...

They are in my fridge- I think we made them a bit too early! "But Mama- we have to let the Easter Bunny see them!" Lovely......